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Healer — Dr. Serkalow in Salem, OR

After high school, Dr. Serkalow attended Norwich University a military college in Vermont with hopes and ambition to become a fighter pilot during the Vietnam war era. While in college he experienced a drastic loss of vision necessitating a change in curriculum, graduating with a political science degree.  He attended Kansas Newman College and received a bachelor of science degree in human biology.  He then attended National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland Oregon receiving his medical degree in 1979.

Much of Dr.Serkalow's time is spent reading a multitude of medical articles, medical journals, and personal medical research.  What free time is left is devoted to  upkeeping his residence, maintaining a large garden, wearing a tool belt and pounding nails, and digging holes with his small  backhoe. Vacations and extended weekend departures are spent in jeeping and rving in remote places as he looks for rocks, gold, digging Opal, exploring ghost towns.  He is especially interested in the old west, the Oregon trail, and currently researching and exploring the 40 mile desert crossing in Nevada.

Healer — Dr. Serkalow in Salem, OR

After high school, Dr. Serkalow attended Norwich University a military college in Vermont with hopes and ambition to become a fighter pilot during the Vietnam war era. While in college he experienced a drastic loss of vision necessitating a change in curriculum, graduating with a political science degree.  He attended Kansas Newman College and received a bachelor of science degree in human biology.  He then attended National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland Oregon receiving his medical degree in 1979.

Much of Dr.Serkalow's time is spent reading a multitude of medical articles, medical journals, and personal medical research.  What free time is left is devoted to upkeeping his residence, maintaining a large garden, wearing a tool belt and pounding nails, and digging holes with his small  backhoe. Vacations and extended weekend departures are spent in jeeping and rving in remote places as he looks for rocks, gold, digging Opal, exploring ghost towns.  He is especially interested in the old west, the Oregon trail, and currently researching and exploring the 40-mile desert crossing in Nevada.

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The Clinic of Natural Medicine and Research, LLC in Salem, OR can be reached at 503-588-2333
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